A few tricks to prevent neck pain. Sleep sideways. You don’t want to sleep flat on your back. The best position for sleeping is on your side. If you must sleep on your stomach, put a pillow under your lower abdomen to help take stress off your back. Having a supportive mattress and pillow for your head are vital as well. “Getting enough, restful sleep is always an important part of maintaining good health,” Lustig says. Also, if you exercise during the day, you sleep better at night.

Put out that cigarette: We all know smoking is a serious health risk, and smokers are also more likely to experience back pain than nonsmokers. One reason for this is that nicotine restricts blood flow to the disks in the spine. This can cause them to dry out, crack, or rupture. Smoking also reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, which causes a reduction in nourishment to the muscles and tendons in the back. An unhealthy, weak back is more vulnerable to accidental strains and pulls that cause back pain.

At Allen Health Chiropractic, we use decompression therapy as a non-surgical meathod of releiving upper, mid, lower and neck pain. The spine is made up of dozens of bones and cushioned by a discs called intervertebral discs. Over time with use and poor posture the discs will degenerate wich affects the intervertebral discs. Spinal decompression was designed and proven to be an effective way to releive pain in those who suffer from neck and back pain. Decompression treatment takes approximately 30-45 minutes. Exact details are entered in to a computer and the program begins to releive pressure. Spinal decompression mainly releived pressure and pain in the back and neck area. Read more info at Spinal decompression therapy.

How do you then handle a throbbing headache? Are you the type to apply quick medications and hope the pain disappears? Do you just disregard it? Have you tried sleeping it off? Have you considered the option of visiting a chiropractor doctor to help with this situation? The spinal manipulation which is our fundamental form of treatment has been proven to be an efficient type of treatment for straining headaches as well as headaches associated with the neck. The spinal manipulation also aids with relieving cervicogenic and migraine form of headaches.

First, lay flat on the floor or mat, one leg extended and the next bent. Loop the band or towel around the ball of the extended foot. Holding each side of the band or towel, gently pull towards the chest. Feel the stretch in the calf muscle? Now hold for 30 seconds on each leg for 3 sets. With arthritis, the hips, knees and even hamstrings are problematic. A kneeling lunge loosens up the hamstring and opens the hips. Use proper form to avoid injury. This is especially helpfull in loosening up the lower back. To start, kneel on a comfortable mat on the floor. Step the right foot forward with the knee bent, similar to performing a lunge. Make sure the knee is at a 90-degree angle. Press both hands into the right thigh, shifting the upper body forward. The stretch stimulates the hips and hamstring. Hold the position for 30 seconds and then change legs. Three times per leg is enough to get the hips, knees, and hamstring ready to go.

In addition to manual treatments, suggesting a course of action which includes exercise, nutritional counselling, preventive injury techniques, ultrasound or laser treatments and rehabilitation is what chiropractors are trained to do. Ailments such as injuries to the tendons, muscles, ligaments or nerves and chronic conditions which may vary from inflammatory arthritis, spinal stenosis as well as osteoarthritis which a chiropractor can help relieve and also restore function in certain areas of the body such as: Head and neck, Shoulders, etc. Source: Chiropractor Allen TX.