0.6 ACE CECs
- Continuing Education
Applying Nutrition Principles - Course Bundle
Provider: | ACE - American Council On Exercise |
Type: | Online Course |
CEC Credits: | ACE 0.6 CECs |
Please note: You will earn CECs as indicated below for each individual course you complete. If you have previously earned CECs for any of the courses in the bundle, you will not earn credits for those courses again. You may check your course history in your My ACE Account.
Encourage Healthier Nutritional Habits
As an exercise professional or health coach, it is important to remain within the scope of your practice when coaching nutrition and better nutrition choices to your clients. The Applying Nutrition Principles course bundle will equip you with information and meaningful behavior change techniques to help you support your clients in healthier food choices and implement into your practice immediately.
Courses include:
Performance Nutrition Strategies (0.1 CECs)
Develop practical, effective and proven strategies that personal trainers and coaches can implement for teams and athletes at all levels of sports performance, from students and their parents to professionals and Olympians.
The 3D Approach to Finding Nutritional Balance Diets (0.1 CECs)
Find out why the adage “calories in, calories out” is outdated, and learn the most effective energy expenditure exercise methods and nutrition recommendations so you can help your clients better maintain their weight.
Fitness Nutrition: The Experts Weigh In (0.1 CECs)
Get advice on all things nutrition from three expert registered dieticians! You’ll learn latest information in fitness nutrition and learn how to stay within your scope of practice as a certified personal trainer, group fitness instructor, health coach or medical exercise specialist.
Nutrition Coaching: Changing Habits, Not Diets (0.1 CECs)
Learn how to coach clients to improve their nutrition by using three elements of the “Habit Loop”—cue, routine and reward—to rewire undesirable habits and transform them into positive one.
Nutrition for Health Promotion (0.2 CECs)
Gain a better understanding of what genetic and epigenetic factors may impact a client’s lifestyle so you can provide the best care and service. Learn some of the terminology used in personalized health exploration and review applications of personalized lifestyle interventions.
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