Work All Your Muscles At the Same Time With This 30-Minute Strength Sesh (Well + Good)
If you've ever wanted a workout full of moves that target multiple muscles at once, look no further. Called compound exercises, these moves come with plenty of benefits. According to the American Council on Exercise, they improve how efficiently you move, boost your overall coordination, help with flexibility, and get your heart rate up more than exercises where you work one muscle at a time.
Learn moreIncline Walking Vs. Stair Stepper: Which One Is Better For Cardio, Strength, And Calorie Burning (Women's Health)
According to the American Council on Exercise’s fitness calculator, a 150-pound person will usually burn about 272 calories climbing stairs for 30 minutes, while that same person would burn about 170 calories walking at a “very brisk” pace of 4 miles per hour (that doesn’t factor in an incline, though, so with that, the level of calorie burning is definitely higher).
Learn moreLosing Weight After 50 Is Possible: 21 Tips From Experts (Good Housekeeping)
According to the American Council on Exercise, your resting metabolic rate, a.k.a. your body’s ability to burn calories while sitting on the sofa doing nothing, decreases by about 1 to 2% per decade due to muscle mass loss and increased fat mass. Our diets usually don't change enough to account for this metabolic adjustment, meaning weight can creep up slowly but surely with every birthday.
Learn moreAbout the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
General information and tips to better understand and follow the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
Learn moreDefinitions in Physical Activity
Definitions and examples of commonly used terms regarding physical activity.
Learn moreModerate-intensity Physical Activity
Introduction to two tools to help individuals determine if they are moving at a moderate intensity.
Learn moreWhat is Multicomponent Physical Activity?
A quick list of different physical activity components, including aerobic activity, muscle-strengthening activity and balance.
Learn moreOther Forms of Physical Activity
A handout reviewing two additional components of physical activity, bone-strengthening and flexibility activities.
Learn more