0.4 ACE CECs
- Continuing Education
Essential Toolkit for Exercise Professionals - Course Bundle
Provider: | ACE - American Council On Exercise |
Type: | Online Course |
CEC Credits: | ACE 0.4 CECs |
Please note: You will earn CECs as indicated below for each individual course you complete. If you have previously earned CECs for any of the courses in the bundle, you will not earn credits for those courses again. You may check your course history in your My ACE Account.
Hit the Ground Running as an Exercise Professional
Learn the fundamentals of being a well-rounded exercise professional! With The Essential Toolkit for Exercise Professionals course bundle, you will discover key skills to help your clients achieve their fitness goals. From behavior change strategies, nutrition coaching, strength training and more, you will build the foundation for success as an exercise professional.
Courses include:
Trifecta for Change: How to be a Top Personal Trainer (0.1 CECs)
The key to maintaining lifestyle changes is through a holistic approach that includes exercise, nutrition and behavior modification. Learn a realistic, client-centered approach to empower these sustainable lifestyle behavior changes, so you can inspire your clients to embrace their journey to a healthy lifestyle versus viewing it as a chore.
A Movement-Based Approach to Strength Training (0.1 CECs)
Explore the theory of three unique forms of strength training: odd-position strength, dead strength, and agile strength, all applied within the framework of the newly updated ACE Integrated Fitness Training® (ACE IFT®) Model.
ACE Mover Method: Empowering Clients through Behavior Change (0.1 CECs)
Learn about the ACE Mover Method and the application of the ACE ABC Approach to better serve your health and fitness clients. Regardless of their stage of change, you will be able to support and guide clients along their behavior-change journey with an actionable, step-by-step process.
Busy Days Call for HIIT (0.1 CECs)
High intensity interval training (HIIT) is not just for experienced athletes—it’s a great workout for anyone. See the scientific data on the efficacy of HIIT intervals and learn how to develop workouts of your own.
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